
The Most Chic focuses on bringing readers high quality data, reviews, and information about consumer trends, products, and brands. We’ve worked as a primary data source for some of the biggest companies in the United States and abroad, using novel data collection and analysis techniques to highlight fundamental truths about industries and consumer behavior.

Our Methodology Combines Two Approaches

1. Reviewing Search Trend Data – by looking at primary source search data (furnished by & other data aggregators) we’re able to review quantitative trends in searches. This approach allows us to understand fluctuations in search trends based on seasonality, mentions in pop culture, and other phenomena.

  • For example, our analysis of the denim industry revealed that searches for “skinny” jeans peaked in 2009, steadily decreasing over the last 10 years. Searches for “skinny” jeans are now at their lowest point since Google began its data collection in the early 2000s. (You can read the entire analysis here.)

2. Reviewing Industry Expert Data – by looking at expert opinion articles and itemizing recommendations, we reveal the “consensus” media opinion of industry trends. In other words, by noting the most mentioned/suggested trends provided by various industry experts, we look to summarize the feeling within an industry’s tastemakers.

  • For example, our 2019 kitchen trends article review 30 of the most shared/linked-to articles about kitchen trends, itemized the suggestions in each, and performed a calculation based on that data. The result was a breakdown of the most popular topics in kitchen decor, ranked by how frequently they were mentioned in the “high end” publications we choose for the analysis. (You can read the entire article here.)

Current Projects

Demand for industry research continues from both our readers and industry players looking to understand their markets better. Currently, we are conducting studies on a few popular topics. These include but are not limited to,

  • Yoga & Its Benefits
  • CBD & Its Benefits
  • Smart Home Decor Adoption
  • Benefits of Owning Pets

As our studies finish, each will have an article published that summarizes the findings and cites expert opinions. These articles can be found in our /trends section.